a basic first aid kit leans up against a large tree sitting just outside a capsite

Basic First Aid Supplies Are a Survival Kit Must Have

Written by: Prep Bible



Time to read 7 min


In the face of unexpected emergencies or when venturing into the wilderness, having basic first aid supplies at your disposal can be a game-changer. These essential items are pivotal for the immediate care of common injuries such as burns, cuts, sprains, and allergic reactions. By equipping yourself with the necessary tools for wound care, infection control, and pain relief, you're not just prepared for minor mishaps but also for preventing complications that might arise from delayed treatment. This readiness is especially crucial during adventures or situations where professional medical help is not immediately available.

A well-curated first aid kit is your first line of defense in managing first aid emergencies efficiently, ensuring emergency preparedness for various situations ranging from blood loss to handling an unexpected allergic reaction. Besides personal safety, possessing the skills obtained from a first aid course can significantly amplify the effectiveness of your kit, turning you into a valuable asset for others in need. As such, integrating basic first aid supplies into your survival kit, complemented by knowledge of their practical applications, places you in an advantageous position to provide support during critical moments until professional help arrives.

Identifying Essential Medical First Aid Supplies

In identifying essential medical first aid supplies, it's crucial to ensure that your kit is well-equipped for a variety of emergencies. Here’s a breakdown of the must-have items:

Basic Supplies:

  • Antibiotic ointments and Second Skin for burns and cuts
  • Gauze and bandages to control blood loss
  • Antiseptic wipes, antibacterial ointment, and first-aid cleansing pads for cleaning wounds
  • Pain-relief medication, antihistamines, and epinephrine injectors for allergic reactions
  • Sunscreen, aloe vera gel, and cortisone cream for skin protection

Bandages and Trauma Care:

  • A variety of bandages including adhesive, butterfly, and triangular bandages
  • Compress dressings and hemostatic gauze for severe bleeding
  • Commercial tourniquets like the Tactical Tourniquet for blood flow control

Tools and Equipment:

  • Tweezers, safety pins, and paramedic shears for handling injuries
  • CPR mask and nitrile gloves for infection control and resuscitation efforts
  • Oral thermometer and irrigation syringe for monitoring and cleaning

Additionally, it's wise to tailor your kit to include personal medications and emergency contact numbers, ensuring it meets the specific health needs of you and your family. Regularly check and update your first aid kit to replace used or expired items, maintaining its readiness for any situation.

Considerations for Specific Health Needs

When customizing your first aid kit, consider the specific health needs of yourself and those around you to ensure comprehensive care in various situations. Here’s how to tailor your kit effectively:

For Skin Irritations and Bug Bites:

  • Include products like hydrocortisone cream and calamine lotion to alleviate discomfort and promote faster healing, reducing the risk of scarring.

Severe Allergies:

  • Always carry antihistamines and an epinephrine injector (EpiPen) if you or a family member are prone to severe allergic reactions. This is crucial for immediate care to prevent the situation from worsening.

Additional Considerations:

  • Baby Supplies: Bottles, formula, baby food, and diapers.
  • Pet Supplies: Essential items such as a collar, leash, ID, food, carrier, and bowl.
  • Prescription Medicines: Ensure a stockpile of any necessary prescription medicines and consider including surgery equipment, sterilization supplies, I.V. equipment, and fluids for long-term survival scenarios.
  • Vaccines: Especially important for newborns in long-term scenarios.

Remember, if an infection is present or if you're dealing with a severe medical issue, seek further medical evaluation as soon as possible. Tailoring your first aid kit to the specific needs of your situation not only prepares you for a wide range of emergencies but also ensures that you can provide the best possible care until professional help is available.

Storage and Maintenance of Medical Supplies

Proper storage and regular maintenance of your first aid supplies are crucial to ensure they remain effective and ready for use when needed. Follow these guidelines to keep your first aid kit in top condition:

Regular Checks and Updates:

  • Monthly: Inspect all supplies for any signs of damage or expiration. Replace items such as adhesive bandages and antiseptic wipes if their packaging is compromised.
  • Bi-annually: Check and replace expired medications, including over-the-counter and prescription meds. Swap out perishable items like sterile gauze and saline solution.
  • Annually: Review the entire kit for any updates needed based on your current medical needs or changes in family members' health conditions.

Optimal Storage Solutions:

  • Home: Keep the kit in a designated, easily accessible location that all family members know.
  • Travel: For trips, have a compact version of your first aid kit in your luggage or vehicle.
  • Workplace: Store a kit in a common area known to all employees.

Maintenance Tips:

  • Use barrier items like latex gloves to safeguard against infection.
  • Store kits in cool, dry places away from direct sunlight to prevent degradation of supplies.
  • Train family members or coworkers on the kit's contents and their use, ensuring everyone can provide basic first aid in emergencies.

By adhering to these storage and maintenance practices, you'll ensure your first aid supplies are organized, up-to-date, and ready for any emergency.

Practical Applications and Usage

Understanding the practical applications and usage of basic first aid supplies can significantly enhance your preparedness for a variety of situations. Here's how to effectively utilize your kit:

Immediate Treatment to Prevent Complications:

  • Antibiotics for cuts: Apply immediately to prevent infection.
  • Gauze and bandages: Use to stop blood loss efficiently, crucial in preventing shock and further complications.
  • Burn relief products: Offer instant pain relief and prevent further damage to the skin.

Compact and Versatile for Various Scenarios:

  • Easy to carry, making it ideal for travel, outdoor adventures, and small spaces.
  • Contains treatments for a wide range of injuries and illnesses, from skin irritations and bug bites to severe allergic reactions, ensuring you're prepared for almost anything.

Enhancing Emergency Preparedness:

  • Attach a note with instructions for locating additional emergency items and specific action plans.
  • Include the home or office address on the kit for quick communication with emergency responders.
  • Store sufficient water (one gallon per person per day) and shelf-stable, low-salt foods that don’t require cooking, in a cool, dark place to ensure you're prepared for at least three days.

Emphasizing the importance of knowing how to use each item in your first aid kit, and considering taking a basic first aid course, can further improve your ability to respond effectively in emergencies.

Integrating Medical Supplies with Other Survival Kit Essentials

Integrating your basic first aid supplies with other survival kit essentials enhances your preparedness for emergencies. Here's how to seamlessly combine these items:

Essential Containers and Personal Items:

  • Use a water-resistant container or bag to protect your supplies.
  • Include personal items such as a list of emergency phone numbers, medications in their original containers, and a cooler travel case for temperature-sensitive medications.

Comprehensive Care Supplies:

  • Antiseptic items: Stock antibacterial soap, hydrogen peroxide, and antiseptic wipes for wound cleaning.
  • Creams and ointments: Keep aloe vera gel and anti-itch cream on hand for skin irritations.
  • Medications: Assemble a selection of pain relievers (aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen) and over-the-counter medications like antacid tablets and antihistamines.
  • Bandages and wraps: Include assorted adhesive bandages, gauze, an aluminum splint, and athletic tape for physical injuries.

Survival Essentials:

  • Ensure you have at least a 3-day supply of water (one gallon per person, per day) and non-perishable, easy-to-prepare food items.
  • Pack a flashlight, battery-powered or hand-crank radio with extra batteries, a multi-purpose tool, and copies of personal documents.
  • Add an emergency blanket, maps of the area, and disaster-specific supplies such as a whistle, N95 or surgical masks, and rain gear.

By strategically placing several smaller kits in locations like your kitchen, car, and workplace, you ensure that you're always prepared, regardless of the situation. Opt for high-quality, durable items that can withstand various conditions to ensure your survival kit remains reliable in any emergency.


Having delved into the critical importance of basic first aid supplies, it's clear that being well-prepared with a comprehensive first aid kit is crucial for effectively managing injuries and emergencies, especially in environments where prompt medical help is not readily available. The emphasis on personal safety, alongside the skills acquired through first aid training, empowers individuals to act decisively and provide invaluable support during critical times. By methodically selecting, maintaining, and understanding the use of each item within the kit, one can greatly alleviate the consequences of unexpected incidents and ensure better outcomes for themselves and those around them.

Moreover, tailoring the first aid kit to suit specific health needs and integrating it with other survival essentials not only enhances emergency preparedness but also underscores the broader implications of being ready for any situation. The considerations highlighted for the storage, maintenance, and practical application of medical supplies serve as a foundation for fostering a culture of safety and responsibility.


What are the reasons for including a first aid kit within a survival kit?

A first aid kit is crucial in a survival kit because it serves three key purposes: it provides supplies for treating minor injuries and illnesses, includes equipment for managing severe injuries that could be life-threatening, and offers resources for ongoing care such as wound management or treatment of minor illnesses, especially when professional medical help is not immediately available.

How important is it to maintain a well-supplied first aid kit?

Maintaining a well-supplied first aid kit is vital as it enables you to respond promptly and effectively to common injuries and emergencies. It's recommended to have a first aid kit readily accessible in both your home and vehicle, stored in a location that is easy to reach but out of children's reach.

What makes first aid kits indispensable?

First aid kits are indispensable because they provide the necessary tools to mitigate the severity of an injury until professional medical attention can be obtained. Depending on your specific activities, you can tailor your first aid kit to meet your needs. Essential items for a basic kit include crepe bandages of various widths.

What items should be included in a survival first aid kit?

For a family of four, the Red Cross suggests that a survival first aid kit should contain the following items: 2 absorbent compress dressings (5 x 9 inches), 25 adhesive bandages in assorted sizes, 1 adhesive cloth tape (10 yards x 1 inch), and 5 antibiotic ointment packets (approximately 1 gram each). These items are also typically found in a Family First Aid Kit.