Survival Gear at The Prep Bible

Do you keep essential survival gear packed and ready to grab and go at a moment's notice? If you do, it could save your life should an emergency situation arise. And, if you're looking for a comprehensive survival gear list with ideas for what to include in bug out kits such as these, you've come to the right place. The Prep Bible offers a hand-picked selection of survival gear, including custom survival kits. If you like to make your own kits, you will also find this comprehensive survival gear guide beneficial. 

Essential Survival Gear

Fire Starters
Food and Water 
Bags and Backpacks 
Tents and Shelter 
First Aid 
Outdoor Clothing 
Tools and Multi-Tools 
Navigation Tools 
Lighting and Signaling 
Communication Devices 
Advanced Survival Gear

While this guide strives to be comprehensive, covering a wide array of gear, it is important to note that it does not encompass every item available or necessary for each individual's unique needs. The volume and variety of survival gear is vast and varied, and personal preferences and specific situational requirements will play a big part in your final gear choices. 

Having said that, every effort has been made to curate a high-quality list that will meet the needs of the majority of survival and outdoor enthusiasts and equip them effectively for various scenarios. However, we always encourage readers to consider additional items based on personal needs. For example, an individual with diabetes would need to personalize a survival kit to include essential medications and medical supplies to ensure they can manage their condition effectively on the go.

Fire Starters

Ferrocerium Rod
Waterproof Matches
Tinder Box
Magnesium Fire Starter
Flint Striker
Solar Fire Starters
Fire Starting Gel
Fatwood Sticks
Windproof Lighter

It doesn’t take a genius to know that having the ability to start a fire is crucial in a survival scenario. Fire not only provides warmth, but is also used for cooking, signaling for help, and can also provide a sense of security. The last thing you want to do is struggle to get a fire going without good tools. 

A tried and true item to consider including in your fire starter kit is a flint fire starter. A flint fire starter is a piece of flint stone that produces sparks when struck against a hard metal striker, igniting tinder and starting a fire. They are lightweight, durable, and have stood the test of time making them a great addition to any fire kit. 

Another great fire starter tool to have is waterproof matches. These matches are designed to light even in wet conditions, making them perfect for situations where dry tinder may be scarce. They are another reliable and easy-to-use option for starting a fire quickly.

If you find yourself without a lighter or matches, knowing how to start a fire without a lighter is an advanced skill you should consider learning. However, if you have not yet learned this skill, having multiple reliable methods to start a fire can give you a backup in case one method fails you. 

When we at The Prep Bible put together a kit, we believe in redundancy. We suggest you adopt this strategy as well. Whether you decide to go with a pre-made kit from us or elsewhere, or you decide to construct your own, including a variety of fire-starting options can ensure that you are prepared to start a fire in any situation.

Food and Water

Water Purification Tablets
Portable Water Filters
Emergency Food Bars
Freeze Dried Meals
Collapsible Water Containers
Camping Stoves
Energy Gels
MREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat)
Water Bladders
Survival Fishing Kit

When surviving in the wilderness, you will want to have a basic durable cookware set, stainless steel containers, and a water filter system. Stainless steel containers are ideal for storing and carrying food, due to their durability in harsh conditions. 

Cooking gear, such as pots and pans, is essential for preparing meals in the wild, and a water filter system is crucial for ensuring access to clean drinking water. There are various water filter systems available, including portable filters and pump filters, which can remove harmful bacteria and contaminants from water sources. 

Due to their compact and lightweight nature, water purification straws have become another go-to solution for filtering water on the go. Portable and 99.99% safe in most cases, it's no wonder they have become a staple for many. 

Emergency food rations provide a quick and convenient source of nutrition in situations where other natural food options may be hard to find. Knowing how and what to choose and when to use emergency food rations is important for survival longevity. Freeze dried meals are another great option for long-term survival, as they are lightweight, easy to prepare, and have a long shelf life. 

Picking up a campfire cooking kit is another great option. These kits will typically include items such as a portable stove, cooking utensils, and fuel sources for preparing meals outdoors. 

Bottom line: with the right tools and knowledge, you can enjoy delicious and satisfying meals even in the most remote locations.

Bags and Backpacks

Tactical Backpacks
Multi-day Hiking Backpacks
Waterproof Dry Bags
Ultra-lightweight Packs
EDC Bags
Bug Out Bags
Modular Backpacks with MOLLE Webbing
Internal Frame Backpacks
Roll-top Survival Backpacks

When it comes to lugging around your gear, having a quality, and most importantly durable bag or backpack is essential. Survival backpacks are crucial for carrying all your gear in one convenient and portable package. Look for a backpack that is lightweight but has enough space to accommodate all your gear. 

Pockets and compartments are also important for organizing and accessing your gear easily. Additionally, consider a backpack that has external attachment points, such as a MOLLE backpack, which allows for additional gear to be attached. Some backpacks even come with detachable pouches, which can be used for smaller items or to organize gear within the backpack. 

Investing in a high-quality backpack will ensure that your survival gear is protected, easily accessible, and can withstand the demands of outdoor survival situations. 

When it comes to everyday readiness, having the right EDC bags at your disposal is also invaluable. These compact bags are specifically designed to maximize space without sacrificing quick access, ensuring you have all your daily carry essentials right where you need them. 

For more urgent scenarios, having the right bug out bag is what you will need. With a bug out bag, it's not just about carrying your belongings—it's about sustaining you for the duration of an emergency. Bug out bags can be tailored to meet a variety of survival situations, from quick departures to longer-term displacement, ensuring you have everything necessary for survival at the ready. 

For adventurers and those planning for longer-term survival situations, survival backpacks are the way to go. They are built to endure the elements while keeping your critical supplies safe and organized. With features designed for extensive outdoor activities, such as integrated hydration systems and ergonomic straps, survival backpacks ensure that you can face any challenge with confidence.

Tents and Shelter

Dome Tents
Bivy Sacks
Tarp Shelters
Emergency Space Blankets
Pop-up Tents
Survival Sleeping Bags
Insulated Tent Mats
Tube Tents
Ultralight Shelters

Reliable shelter is absolutely crucial for protection from the elements and to ensure a safe place to rest. Tents and shelter options come in many different forms, including tarps and lightweight tents. 

Tarps are versatile and can be used to create different types of shelters, such as lean-tos or A-frame shelters. Knowing how to utilize common camping tarps to build simple tarp shelters can be an invaluable skill. 

Lightweight tents, such as a high-quality survival tent, are designed to be portable and provide protection from the elements while being easy to carry. When selecting a survival tent, there are several features to consider. Look for tents that are made from durable materials, have sturdy poles and stakes, and are easy to set up. 

Something else to include as a most basic form of shelter is a mylar space blanket. These blankets are compact, lightweight, and provide insulation to help keep you warm in emergency situations. 

Lastly, when camping in a tent, having comfortable camping beds for tents is highly recommended although not required for a good night's sleep.

First Aid

Comprehensive First Aid Kits
Compression Bandages
Antiseptic Wipes
Burn Dressings
Trauma Shears
CPR Masks
Emergency Medications
Quick-clot Pads
Gauze Pads and Wrap

Being well-equipped with first aid supplies is a given necessity. In any emergency situation, having access to medical supplies and the ability to treat injuries can be life-saving. A comprehensive first aid kit should include items such as bandages, antiseptics, pain relievers, and basic medical tools.

When selecting a first aid kit, opt for one that is compact and lightweight, making it easy to carry in your backpack or bag. Regularly check and update your first aid kit to ensure that it is well-stocked and all items are within their expiration dates. 

Whether you're hiking in the wilderness or simply going about your daily activities, having a portable medical kit or perhaps a car medical kit on hand can make all the difference when things go sideways. 

It is also important to understand the differences between an IFAK kit and a standard first aid kit. A standard first aid kit is great for minor injuries and general first aid needs. An IFAK kit, however, is specifically designed in most cases for more serious injuries and trauma situations. Knowing and selecting the proper kit for your specific needs is something only you can do. 

For more severe injuries requiring immediate care, trauma kits are another must-have. Trauma kits are designed specifically for injuries such as heavy bleeding, fractures, and other life-threatening conditions.

Outdoor Clothing

Insulated Jackets
Waterproof Rain Gear
Tactical Gloves
Thermal Socks
Neck Gaiters
Hiking Boots
Heated Vests
Moisture-wicking Base Layers

Common outdoor clothes for survival in the wilderness include items such as wool blankets, durable jackets and pants, and compact accessories. Wool blankets are excellent for providing warmth and insulation, even in wet conditions. They are also durable and can withstand rugged outdoor environments.

Investing in high-quality jackets and pants made from durable materials, such as waterproof and windproof fabrics, will go a long way toward helping you stay dry and protected from the elements. Compact accessories, such as hats, gloves, and neck gaiters, are also important to consider for keeping extremities warm and protected. Opt for items that are lightweight and compact for easy carrying in your backpack or bag. 

Having reliable rain gear, whether it's a sturdy waterproof hiking jacket or a large, hooded poncho, both can shield you and your gear from harsh weather. Look for gear that's both waterproof and breathable to prevent overheating when you're active. This way, rain won't penetrate, but sweat can still escape, keeping you comfortable and dry inside. 

Base layers will form the base for which you will layer the rest of your clothing. They are essential for insulation and moisture management. Opt for materials that wick moisture and dry quickly to help regulate your body temperature effectively. The best materials for this include polyester and polypropylene for their hydrophobic properties, and merino wool for its ability to absorb moisture without feeling wet. Nylon and bamboo blends are also effective, offering durability and softness with good moisture management. 

All terrain shoes will be useful for handling diverse landscapes, making them a solid choice for any outdoor adventure. These types of shoes are built tough and provide excellent traction on both slick and dry surfaces. For the best experience, choose shoes with waterproof features, like Gore-Tex liners, to avoid soggy feet that can lead to blisters and hinder your mobility. 

Lastly, in colder climates, an insulated hiking jacket will help maintain a comfortable body temperature. These jackets typically feature a waterproof exterior combined with either down or synthetic fibers for insulation. They offer significant warmth without being bulky, making them perfect for layering. Additionally, a breathable membrane in these jackets helps manage moisture, keeping sweat at bay while preserving warmth.

Tools and Multi-Tools

Survival Knives 
Camping Shovels 
Wire Saws 
Tactical Pens 
Adjustable Wrenches 
Folding Saws 
Pry Bars 
Survival Axes

Next, you will need to narrow down what to include as far as tools and multi-tools. As a general rule, look for tools that are multipurpose to optimize efficiency and save space where you can. 

Multi-tools are one such example as they offer a wide range of functionalities, including but not limited to cutting, sawing, and opening cans. A survival multi tool packs an impressive punch, and as such it's become a staple in many a survival kit. 

Next up, the camp axe or survival hatchet are invaluable companions for the outdoors. The camp axe makes light work of chopping firewood and clearing trails, while the more compact hatchet makes finer tasks more manageable. Personal preference and familiarity will ultimately decide whether to include one or both in your kit. 

For detailed work and so much more, you cannot go without a high-quality bushcraft knife. Designed to perform a multitude of tasks from preparing food to whittling wood, its sturdy blade is a bushcrafter's best friend and constant companion. 

Finally, in our experience, having a compact folding shovel is a huge value add. Reason being it isn't just useful for digging; it's an all-rounder that can help put out fires or provide leverage in sticky situations. Lightweight and foldable, it ensures additional versatility without weighing you down too much. 

Each tool serves a unique purpose and contributes significantly to your overall outdoor experience. Prioritize investing in quality tools that can withstand the demands of outdoor survival situations while offering versatility and reliability when you need them most.

Navigation Tools

Handheld GPS Units 
Map Cases 
Altimeter Watches 
Star Navigation Guides 
Personal Locator Beacons 
Ranger Beads 
Sun Compasses 
Backcountry Navigator Apps 
Waterproof Maps

Navigation tools are crucial in survival situations, as they will be able to guide you accurately when you are off the beaten track. Having a reliable survival compass (and a backup or two) is essential for determining direction and finding your way in unfamiliar terrain. Opt for a compass that is durable and has a clear and accurate reading. 

Binoculars are another very useful tool. They are perfect for scouting and surveying the area around and ahead, allowing you to spot potential resources, signs of help, or potential threats. 

In addition, having physical paper maps packed is a must-have. Using waterproof maps or map cases is suggested when possible. Paper maps provide a tried and true method of navigating, especially when technology fails. Having this no-fail backup method available and knowing how to read them will give you peace of mind in the backcountry. 

Many adventurers may want to have something a bit more high tech such as a portable GPS tracker. And while, yes, they can be extremely convenient and useful, they still should not be used solely without a backup for when technology fails. 

When selecting navigation tools, prioritize durability and accuracy. Having reliable navigation tools in your survival gear will ensure that you can navigate effectively and increase your chances of finding resources and returning to safety.

Lighting and Signaling

LED Flashlights
Solar-powered Lanterns
Emergency Flare Guns
Glow Sticks
Reflective Mirrors
Hand-crank Flashlights
Signal Whistles
Tactical Flashlights
Water-activated Floating Lights

Having the right lighting and signaling equipment can make a big difference in your ability to navigate effectively in the wilderness or signal for help if needed. Flashlights, headlamps, and signaling gear are essential items to have when adventuring into the wild. 

A flashlight for survival will be your first and most basic tool for illumination in the dark. Look for flashlights that are compact, lightweight, and have multiple brightness settings. A rechargeable headlamp is another very popular option due to its hands-free operation.

In addition to a flashlight, an emergency whistle is another important signaling tool to have. Knowing how to use an emergency whistle and the signals it produces can help attract attention and alert others to your presence in an emergency. 

A signal mirror is another valuable signaling device to have in your kit. If you decide to include one in your kit, make sure to learn how to use it effectively. For example, by reflecting sunlight toward potential rescuers, you can increase your visibility and improve your chances of being found. 

For a sustainable lighting option, consider including solar powered lanterns in your survival gear. These lanterns are not only environmentally friendly but also provide a reliable source of light without the need for batteries. 

By ensuring you have the right lighting and signaling gear, you can navigate, communicate, and increase your chances of being rescued should you find yourself in an emergency situation. Don't underestimate the importance of these essential tools in your preparedness efforts.

Communication Devices

Handheld Ham Radios
Satellite Messengers
Emergency Cell Phone Chargers
CB Radios
Solar-powered Radios
Personal Locator Beacons
Signal Horns
Power Banks

Communication devices are essential in survival situations, as they allow you to stay connected even when you may be in a very remote location. Essential communication devices and accessories to support them include items such as USB chargers, portable power banks, and satellite and radio communication devices. 

Look for power banks with high mAh (milliamp-hour) ratings, as these provide longer-lasting power. In addition to these basic communication tools, it's important to consider more specialized devices for specific survival scenarios. A handheld ham radio is a popular choice for emergency communication, offering reliable long-distance communication capabilities. 

Preppers and survivalists should also consider the importance of a handheld CB radio in their gear. These radios are reliable for short-range communication and can be a lifeline in emergency situations where other forms of communication may not be available. 

For those venturing into remote locations, a satellite messenger is an essential tool. These devices use satellite networks to send out distress signals and communicate your location to emergency services. Similarly, a high-quality satellite watch can provide additional features such as GPS tracking and mapping, making it a valuable asset in emergency situations. 

Also, long distance walkie talkies are a must-have. These devices offer extended communication range, allowing you to stay in touch with your group or call for help if needed. 

Ultimately, when selecting communication devices for your survival gear, prioritize durability, reliability, and the specific features that will best suit your needs. By including a mix of basic and specialized devices, you can ensure that you are prepared to communicate effectively in any survival situation.

Advanced Survival Gear

Night Vision Goggles
Thermal Imaging Cameras
High-capacity Power Banks
Advanced Water Purifiers
Portable Weather Stations
Satellite Phones
Survival Drones
Advanced GPS Devices
Smart Survival Watches

Advanced survival gear is gear that goes beyond the basics and provides additional tools and resources for those looking for more high-tech capabilities. This type of gear is commonly needed for those facing specifically challenging survival situations. 

For example, in very remote areas, owning an emergency satellite phone can be a lifesaver. Being able to communicate with rescue teams or loved ones in case of an emergency is crucial for survival. 

Surveillance drones are valuable tools for advanced area reconnaissance if you can support lugging them around. These drones can provide aerial views of the terrain, helping you navigate and locate resources more effectively. 

Other advanced gear like a thermal image camera can also give you an edge in survival situations. Thermal imaging technology can help you detect heat signatures, making it easier to spot potential threats or locate sources of warmth. 

Night vision goggles are another advanced tool that can aid in wilderness survival, allowing you to see in low-light conditions and navigate safely at night. 

Being able to power electronics is difficult off-grid, but having a solar backup generator can be an advanced solution to this problem. These generators provide a reliable source of power for charging essential devices or running small appliances. A portable power station is also a convenient option and a great combination when paired with a solar generator for powering your adventure gear while on the go. 

Having advanced tools like these will give you the advantage you need to thrive in challenging environments as long as you can support their added bulk and any electricity requirements needed to operate them.


What are the top three survival items everyone should have?

The top three survival items everyone should have are a well-equipped first aid kit, a comprehensive survival kit, and a reliable fire-starting tool. These items will ensure that you have the necessary tools and resources to address medical emergencies, sustain yourself in survival situations, and create fire for warmth and cooking.

How do I choose a good quality survival knife?

When choosing a good quality survival knife, look for one made from stainless steel for durability and resistance to rust. Also consider the size and weight of the knife, opting for a compact design that is easy to carry and use in various survival scenarios.

Can a water filter system make any water safe to drink?

A water filter system can effectively remove contaminants and bacteria from water, making it safe to drink. However, it's important to choose a reliable water filter system, preferably one made from stainless steel, that will provide peace of mind and ensure the water is safe for consumption.

What is the best way to ensure my survival gear is always ready?

The best way to ensure your survival gear is always ready is to create a checklist and regularly inspect and update your gear. Ensure that all items are in good condition, durable, and have not expired. Regularly checking your gear will provide peace of mind and ensure it is ready for use in emergency situations.

How often should I update my survival gear checklist?

It's important to update your survival gear checklist regularly, at least once every six months. This ensures that your gear is up to date, functional, and has not expired or deteriorated. Regularly updating your checklist provides peace of mind and ensures that you are fully prepared for any emergency situation.

Are there any multi-purpose tools recommended for survival kits?

Yes, multi-tools are highly recommended for survival kits due to their versatility and compactness. Multi-tools are compact devices that contain various tools, such as pliers, knives, screwdrivers, and saws, in one convenient package. They are durable and can be used for a wide range of tasks in survival situations.

What are the essential food items for a survival kit?

Essential food items for a survival kit include ready-to-eat sandwiches, dehydrated camping food, canned meats or soups, and food that can be easily prepared in the wilderness. Choose food that is durable, compact, and provides the necessary nutrients and energy for survival.

How can I maintain my survival gear in top condition?

To maintain your survival gear in top condition, regularly clean and inspect your gear, replace any worn or damaged items, and store your gear properly. Regular maintenance ensures that your gear remains durable, functional, and ready for use in emergency situations, providing peace of mind.

Should my survival gear checklist differ based on the climate?

Yes, your survival gear checklist should differ based on the climate you will be in. For colder climates, it's important to include items such as a wool blanket, extra layers of clothing, and insulation to keep warm. In warmer climates, focus on items that provide protection from the sun, such as hats, sunblock, and lightweight, breathable clothing.

What are the must-haves for urban survival situations?

Must-haves for urban survival situations include a compact survival kit that contains essential items such as first aid supplies, a multi-tool, a flashlight, and a means of communication. Additionally, consider items such as cash, a map of the area, and emergency contact information.

How important is it to have a fire-starting tool in my survival kit?

Having a fire-starting tool in your survival kit is essential for various reasons. It provides the means to create fire for warmth, cooking, and signaling for help. It also provides peace of mind, knowing that you have the ability to start a fire in emergency situations where heat and light are crucial.

Is it necessary to include signaling equipment in my survival gear?

Yes, including signaling equipment in your survival gear is essential. Signaling equipment, such as whistles and signal mirrors, can help attract attention and alert others to your presence in emergency situations. It provides an additional means of communication and increases the chances of being noticed and rescued.